22 december 2024, sunday > (english) > Close-Ups > Easy reading (Gardening for Beginners)


Easy reading («Gardening for Beginners»)


A practical guide to the layering, planting, and handling of a home garden for those interested in organic farming.


Gardening for Beginners : practical guide to the layering, planting, and handling of a home garden : in 2 parts. Part 1 / comp. I. Bettner; trans. under the editorship of P. Steinberg. - St. Petersburg : [s. n.], 1913. - 176 p. : ill. - (Garden Library) (Free supplement to the journal "Progressive Gardening and Vegetable Farming" for 1912)

Gardening for Beginners : practical guide to the layering, planting, and handling of a home garden : in 2 parts. Part 2 / comp. I. Bettner; trans. under the editorship of P. Steinberg. - St. Petersburg : [s. n.], 1913. - 176 p. : ill. - (Garden Library) (Free supplement to the journal "Progressive Gardening and Vegetable Farming" for 1912)

A practical guide to the layering, planting, and handling of a home garden made by I. Bettner for German gardeners, and significantly supplemented and revised according to Russian climatic conditions by P. N. Steinberg, the editor of the journal "Progressive Gardening and Vegetable Farming"

22 more books of 1845-1949. publications for gardeners in the collection "Gardening in the Crimea"