09 february 2025, sunday


2023 – The year of Teacher and Mentor

“2023 has been declared the Year of Teacher and Mentor by the Decree of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin. The mission of the Year is the recognition of the special status of teaching staff, including those performing mentoring activities. The activities of the Year of Teacher and Mentor will be aimed at increasing the prestige of the teaching profession.”


Vladimir I. Vernadsky

(February 28 [March 12], 1863 – January 6, 1945)

On March 12, 2023, we are to celebrate 160-th anniversary of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. He was a striking personality, encyclopaedist, humanist, and left his mark in science. Many scholars in various disciplines are proud to call him their Master and Mentor.

Learn more...


In fact, RNPLS&T has been acquiring literature in ecology since its establishment in 1958.

The subjects of “ecology’, “nature management”, “environmental protection”, “natural resources", "sustainable development” receive wide coverage in publications in technology and natural sciences.

For today RNPLS&T has accumulated a large collection of books and periodicals in these subject areas. Its significant part is accessible in the Library’s Reading room for ecology, priority sciences and technology developments, where you can find items you need and get access to the thematic Database “Ecology: Science and Technologies”. The list of new acquisitions to the Reading Room collection is updated on a monthly basis.

Since 2003, RNPLS&T, in cooperation with other organizations, has been building the single ecological information data bank of Russian and the CIS libraries. Please review the  information resources of RNPLS&T’s partner libraries  at  "The libraries’ Green Pages". The section Russian regions is updated on the regular basis and comprises materials on ecological situation in Russian Federation entities and links to the information resources in regional ecology.

The RNPLS&T’s Group of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects organizes thematic exhibitions and displays, workshops, library lessons and other events. Within the annual World Professional Forum “Crimea” (before 2014, “Crimea” International Conference), the section on ecology information support and  ecological education of population, and since 2018, the International Conference in Ecology are held. The problems of ecology and sustainable development also get coverage at LIBCOM Conference. The reviews of the events are available through the Library’s website.

The list of  Russian and foreign ecological organizations is also available via the ecological section of RNPLS&T’s website. It is regularly updated.



26 january, 2023

On February 28, 2023, the 160th anniversary of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky ( February 28 [March 12—January 6, 1954]) is celebrated.

In the year announced The Year of Teacher and Mentor in the Russian Federation, Vernadsky’s anniversary offers the opportunity to organize educational events in various areas.


11 january, 2023

NewLandsThe virtual QR-exhibition “In search of new lands” is opened in RNPLS&T on December 29, 2022. The patrons get acquainted with the publications on outstanding travelers and their geographical discoveries.  In their first-hand reports on the expeditions, the nature and lifestyle of population in the 19th-early 20th centuries are described. The publications introduce readers to many geographical territories without need to go there immediately.


20 december, 2022

Recicl"Recycling. The close cycle logistics” exhibition is opened at RNPLS&T’s main building  Ecology and Priority Trends in Science and TechnologyReading Room,  on December 19, 2022 and will run through February 20, 2023. As compared to traditional utilization, recycling has multiple advantages, in particular, it doesn’tresult in exhausting of strategic economic resources; on the contrary, it initiates innovations and stipulates science endeavours in search of new solutions in domestic and industrial waste disposal.


20 december, 2022

Town“The Current Urban Studies” exhibition is opened at RNPLS&T’s main building, Catalog and Reference Bibliography Reading Room, on December 5, 2022 and will run through January 15, 2023. Since 2017, the large-scale project “Building comfortable urban environment” has been implemented in the Russian Federation.  The goal is to present the findings of modern studies related to the specialized projects, to illuminate the changes in megacities,small towns and single-industry cities, new approaches to city designing and planning to meet the global trends in city development, digital economy, and at the same time, the architectural traditions. The exhibits on the display are the materials published in academic works, monographs, articles, digests, conference proceedings, etc.


16 december, 2022

The results of the All-Russian contest “The libraries and sustainable development: Moving towards” are announced!



Open full-text resources on ecology