09 february 2025, sunday > (english) > Vladimir I. Vernadsky. The 160-th anniversary


Vladimir I. Vernadsky. The 160-th anniversary


“I've got acutely aware that I am destined to tell the humankind new things within the theory of live substance I have been creating, and this is my mission, my responsibility imposed on me that I must introduce like a prophet who is listening to the  still little voices calling him to action”. 

V. I. Vernadsky’s diaries 02.27-03.11.1920



On March 12, 2023, we are to celebrate 160-th anniversary of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky. He was a striking personality, encyclopaedist, humanist, and left his mark in science. Many scholars in various disciplines are proud to call him their Master and Mentor.


RNPLS&T in the Year of V. I. Vernadsky

V. I. Vernadsky’s jubilee can become an opportunity for the libraries to organize various educational events, e.g.:

  • His personality, scientific honesty and ethics in the context of historical period;
  • His contribution to science;
  • His teaching, his progeny’s and followers’  contributions;

Within the anniversary program, the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology (RNPLS&T) plans the following thematic events and activities:

  • Book exhibitions featuring Vernadsky’s works and publications on him and his legacy;
  • Webinars for librarians working in ecological education (V. I. Vernadsky and his contribution to Russian science; V. I. Vernadsky’s progeny; From ecological education to noospheric thinking (through Sustainable Development Goals), etc.).

We are challenging our colleagues to celebrate with us by sharing our idea and implementing thematic events, and to participate in the online-fest to be held in the late 2023 under the auspices of RNPLS&T.



- Information and methodological portal "Circle of V. I. Vernadsky: the scientific heritage of the scientist and his influence on the paths of Russian and Soviet science"

- RNPLS&T's resources

- Webinars

Works by V. I. Vernadsky in open access


Friends and fellows 


Online-fest on Vernadsky’s 160-th anniversary 

Popularization of V. I. Vernadsky scholarly endeavor  (V. I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation website)