09 february 2025, sunday > (english) > "Ecology: Science and Technologies”. The specialized database


"Ecology: Science and Technologies”. The specialized database


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The specialized database “Ecology: Science and Technologies” has been maintained since 2003 and comprises bibliographic data on journal articles (approx.. 700 sources), papers in conference proceedings, books,  author’s summaries, and grey literature on the problems of natural environmental protection.

The database also comprises the publications on environmental protection and nature management in the rare book collection (with links to full texts in the RNPLS&T’s E-library).

The database is systematically updated with new acquisitions to RNPLS&T’s collection. Every entry is supplied with an annotation. Once a month the database is updated in the LAN and the Internet.

For today, the database comprises over 70,000 bibliographic records.

The database subject scope:

-           Global problems of environmental protection (climate changes, biosphere preservation, greenhouse effect, etc.)

-           International cooperation for environmental protection.

-           Ecological situation in the regions.

-           Theories and methods of natural environmental protection and natural resources management.

-           Economic and legal issues of natural environmental protection.

-           System of environmental monitoring.

-           Environmental pollution. Research and control methods.

-          Pollution and protection of atmosphere, soils, mineral resources, urban environment.

 -          Issues of water bodies protection. Water supply and waste water treatment.  Safe water supply.

-          Environmental pollution impacting natural ecosystems and public health.

-           Radioactive pollution and radwaste issues.

-          Recycling of production and consumption residue.

-           Natural disasters. Ecological safety.

-           Life protection.