22 february 2025, saturday > (english) > Close-Ups > Easy reading (Winemaking in Russia)


Easy reading (Winemaking in Russia)


In the collection "Winemaking in Russia"  you can read interesting books of 19 - beg. 20th centuries :


- Ballas, M. Winemaking in Russia (historical statistical essay) / M. Ballas; Department of Agriculture. – St. Petersburg : Printing house of V. F. Kirshbaum, 18 -.

- Artificial mineral waters, soft drinks, and fermentation drinks. – Saint Petersburg : publication of K. L. Ricker, 19 -.

- Kotelnikov, M. G. The reference book on distillation for persons of excise duty : unofficial edition / M. G. Kotelnikov. – Moscow : Typographic lithography of the I. N. Kushnerev and Co. Partnership, 1894. - 77, [3] p.

- Lyubavin, N. N. Technical chemistry / N. N. Lyubavin. – Moscow : Univ. typ., 1897 -.

Vol. 7: Organic matter, Part 3, no. 4: alcohol; Dep. 2: Distilling. - 1926. - 56p.

- Melnikov, N. P. Production of alcohol from moss, wood, straw, hay, etc. and a new method of distillation with mineral acids / N. P. Melnikov. – St. Petersburg : Typography of Panteleevy Bros., 1880. – 48 p.: Ill. + 2 p. ill. - (New manufactures; No. 36). - (Edition of the journal "Technical Digest"). - From the contents: about the original technology of moss-smoking proposed by the Swedish professor Steinberg in 1868 and attempts to use it in the Russian Empire.

- Onufrovich, A. I. The preparation of canned fruits and berries and the production of fruit wines / A. I. Onufrovich. - St. Petersburg : publication of A. F. Denver, 1897. - Edition 3 rev. and add. - 267 p.: 77 ill.