22 february 2025, saturday > (english) > Close-Ups > All-Russian ecological resource newspaper "Natural Resources Record"

The newspaper "Natural Resources Record" is the only all-Russian ecological-resource newspaper. Published by the National Information Agency "Natural Resources" (NIA-Priroda) since 1999. The newspaper is registered with the State Press Committee of Russia on April 27, 1999, registration certificate No. 018741.

The newspaper publishes on its pages materials on a wide range of issues of study, reproduction, and use of natural resources and environmental protection, reports of prominent scientists and specialists, writers and journalists. It is a tribune of dialogue and a source of news for government, scientists, population, and the public on environmental and natural resource activities.

The newspaper is the official source for publication of decisions of Rosprirodnadzor, Roshydromet and Rosvodresursov.

Full issues (since 2008) are available on the website  >>>>>

You can also sign up for an annual subscription  >>>>>