The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) is a Research Infrastructure (RI) established by the US National Science Foundation, with the mission to ‘enable ecological forecasting of ecosystem function's response to natural and human-induced forcings such as climate, land use and invasive species across a range of spatial and temporal scales' (Schimel et al., 2011). It is a distributed site-based RI of ecological measurements and observations designed to scale from the site to the region-and-continent over the next 30 years. The observatory includes 81 field sites (including terrestrial and aquatic), airborne remote sensing, and a cyber-infrastructure for data acquisition, storage, analyses, and dissemination. NEON has 181 quality-controlled, open-source data products across a range of biotic and abiotic ecological processes and drivers, that include; biodiversity, biogeochemistry, climate, ecohydrology, invasive species and land use.