15 january 2025, wednesday > (english) > Webinars > “What the ecological information is and why it is so important”


“What the ecological information is and why it is so important”

for librarians in ecological education

(September 29, 2021)


On March 9, 2021, the Federal Law (N 39-FZ) "On amendments to the Federal Law “On Environmental Protection” and several legislative acts of the Russian Federation" was adopted. This Law has finally introduced the concept “information on environmental condition (ecological information)“. This is an important step toward information openness and accessibility.

Why it is so important for the libraries? Our activities consist in searching information and delivering it to the users. The social value of ecological information, on one hand and , on the other hand, its polythematic character and scattering in various domains calls for  the clear concept of what the ecological information is, what its functions, sources, types, characteristic features, and related civil rights for its acquisition are.


Webinar was hosted by:

Elena F. Bychkova, Cand. Sc. in Pedagogy, Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

One hundred and forty seven participants in 88 localities in the Russian Federation, Republic of Belarus, Republic of Moldova, attended the webinar.


Webinar materials:

Presentation >>>>>

Letter of announcement >>>>>

Video  >>>>>