15 january 2025, wednesday > (english) > Webinars > «Ecological Education. Ecological projects in the Arctic»


Ecological Education. Ecological projects in the Arctic


for the librarians specializing in ecological education

 (March 24, 2021)



Experts of the Project Office for the Development of the Arctic (PORA) presented several ecological projects and shared their experience in building the educational program in ecology and the Arctic projects advocacy strategy, and introduced the PORA’s Grant Program.

The RNPLS&T’s employees spoke on how to access the literature on the Arctic in RNPLS&T’s collections and presented the 2021 International Contest “Sustainable Development Goals Calendar”  >>>>

Webinar key speakers:

Elena F. Bychkova, Cand. Sc, (Pedagogy), Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Maria A. Klimova, Technologist, Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Anna A. Lakova, Leading Librarian, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Maria Arbuzova, Executive Secretary, PORA Expert Board, Moscow

Marina Goretskaya, Mass Media Coordinator, PORA, Moscow

Andrey Ivanov, Programs Coordinator, PORA, Moscow

Olesya Kuzhel, Regional Programs Manager, PORA, Moscow

Polina Cheplyaeva, Ecologist, PORA, Moscow