11 march 2025, tuesday


Dear colleagues,

Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology and V. I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation announce the International Contest «Biblio-green in the sustainable world» for the libraries and institutions of education and culture. Can we make the difference and transform our settlements environment for the better life? Undoubtedly, yes, and in many ways.

We invite you to share your experience and submit your project for the contest within the following nominations:

1. «Green site». Projects for settlements sustainable development.

2. «Communities». Projects to demonstrate efficient interaction with local authorizes for “building the smart city”, consolidation of local community, and promotion of self-management.

The Contest is held from November 01, 2018, through March 20, 2019. The participants materials shall be send to the Organizing Committee on February 15 - February 28, 2019.


All participants who will provide the complete package of their project records and reports are to receive the certificate.

The Contest statute and information resources to support your project are available at  >>>>>


Sincerely yours,

Elena Bychkova

Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects Group