23 february 2025, sunday > (english) > Ecology in the library world > Ecological education contests in libraries > International Contest «Sustainable development goals calendar 2021»


International Contest

"Sustainable Development Goals Calendar 2021"






Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology (further – RNPLS&T) and V. I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation (further – Foundation) announce International Contest “Sustainable Development Goals Calendar: preservation of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage”. The Contest will be held from February 1st to May 30th 2021.

The topic of the Contest in 2021 is “Preservation of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage”.

The Contest title coincides with UN Sustainable Development Goal 11.4; we believe that the desk calendar is a great form to promote this goal of sustainable development.  In designing their calendars, the applicants have to focus on the above topic.

There are the following nominations for the Contest:

  • «Our achievements in preserving world cultural and natural heritage»
  • «The world cultural and natural heritage in Russia».
  • «The little-known objects of world cultural and natural heritage».
  • «The calendar to educate».
  • «The world cultural and natural heritage. The four seasons»
  • «Science and preservation of the world cultural and natural heritage»


Note: in 2020 the Contest «GSDC – goal sustainable development calendar» was dedicated to development of a calendar promoting 17 STGs of UN/


Regulations for the International Contest  >>>>

Documents for participants >>>>

Information on the Contest (video, in Russian)  >>>>



Series of educational online events (to support project participants)



Mini-lecture «UNESCO. Sustainable Development Goals»
Ksenia A. Gaverdovskaya, Educational Programs Coordinator, Commission of the Russian Federation for UNESCO of the RF Ministry of Foreign Affairs

Record >>>>
Presentation >>>>>

Open lecture «Ecological culture and sustainable development culture»
Nizami M. Mamedov
, Dr. Sc. (Philosophy), Professor, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and RANEPA, UNESCO Expert, Member of the Academic Council for Ecological Education of the Russian Academy of Education

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Presentation >>>>>

Lecture «Sustainable Development Goals through the painting art»
Natalya Yu. Pankova
, Chair of Board, “The Russian Arts” Nizhny Novgorod Foundation, Member of the Union of Russian Artists

Record >>>>>
Presentation >>>>>

Meeting of minds «On the calendar design»
Olesya Yu. Pchelyakova,
Leading Graphic Designer, V. I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation

Record >>>>>
Presentation >>>>>

«Illustrations in the Sustainable Development Goals books: To see and be inspired»
Nina E. Koloskova, Leading Methodologist, A. P. Gaidar Central City Children’s library

Record >>>>>
Presentation >>>>>

«The oral tradition of ecological outlook: The SDGs in legends, ballads, and tales»
Violetta V. Medvedeva
, Head of Methodological Division, Institute of the Native Languages of the Russian Federation

Record >>>>>
Presentation >>>>>



Information on the project at the website of V. I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation  >>>>>