23 february 2025, sunday



Regulations for the Third International Contest “Sustainable Development Goals Calendar”



The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development was adopted on September 25. 2015, at the UN General Assembly, and signed by 193 UN member states. The document comprises 17 global goals oriented toward sustainable use of non-recoverable resources, implementation of environment-friendly technologies, preservation of integrity of biological and physical natural systems, and sustainability of social and cultural systems. It is one of the UN most ambitious programs essential for survival and progress of the humankind. Introduction of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into everyday life is the key to achieving these goals.

The 2020 Contest of Thematic Wall Calendars was focused on the UN 17 Sustainable Development Goals. The Contest goal was to raise contestants’ awareness of SDGs.

In 2021, designing thematic desk calendar for the year 2022 “Preservation of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage” proved to be became the efficient form of outreach for Sustainable Development Goal No. 11.4 under the same title.

Today, many organizations/libraries in the world promoting the Sustainable Development Goals prefer to focus their efforts on just several or even one SDG — the most relevant to their community.


Following this trend, the organizers suggest the 2022 contestants to choose the SDG which is most important for them. 2022 theme is "The SDGs: The most important sustainable development goal".


The organizers expect that independent choice of the theme will enable the contestants:

– to learn about the SDGs and related tasks;

– to identify the goal the most important for the contestant or the whole global community;

– to focus on practical solutions to achieve the goals.


1. General

1.1. The Federal Government Budgetary Institution “Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology” (further – RNPLS&T) and V. I. Vernadsky Nongovernmental Ecological Foundation (further – Foundation) act as the Organizers of the “Sustainable Development Goals Calendar” Contest (further referred as Contest).

1.2. The Contest is held through the support of the National Library Association “Libraries of the Future) (further – NALF) and organizations of education, science and culture of the Russian Federation.

1.3. Libraries, museums, organizations of education and culture in the Russian Federation, near and far abroad countries, as well as individuals may enter the Contest.

1.4. The Contest is held on March 1 – September 10, 2022 (both dates inclusive), by correspondence.

1.5. The entries are accepted up to and including September 10, 2022.

1.6. The results of the contest will be finalized within the period from September 10 to October 10, 2022.

1.7. The Contest results shall be published on the organizers’ websites.

1.8. The Regulations are drawn up in Russian and English.


2. The contest goals and tasks

2.1. The Contest goal is to educate population on SDGs through designing the desk calendars and to integrate SDGs into practical activities.

2.2. The Contest tasks are:

- to develop and design the digital layout of desk or wall calendar focused on a chosen SDG;

- to find ways and peculiarities of achieving the SDG on municipal, regional or federal levels;

- to reveal creativity of contestants.



3. The Contest Organizing Committee and Expert Commission

3.1. The members of the Contest Organizing Committee (further Organizing Committee) are:

Tatiana V. Avgusmanova, Deputy Executive Director in Charge of Educational Projects, V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy); Member, RAS Academic Board for Ecological Education;

Elena F. Bychkova, Head of Projects for Ecology and Sustainable Development, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy);

Alla M. Volynskaya, Head of Educational Projects, V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation, Cand. Sc. (Biology);

Natalya B. Mironova, PR leading specialist, V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation;

Maria A. Klimova, Junior Researcher, Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology;

Nina E. Koloskova, Leading Methodologist, A. P. Gaidar Central City Children’s Library.

3.2. Expert Commission:

Yakov L. Shrayberg, Director of Research, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Dr. Sc. (Engineering), Professor, Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation; President of the National Library Association “Libraries of the Future”; Corresponding Member, Russian Academy of Education;

Olga V. Plyamina, General Director, V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation;

Alexander S. Karaush, Director General, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Cand. Sc. (Engineering);

Yulia V. Sokolova, Deputy Director General in Charge of Research and Education, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology; Board Member, National Library Association “Libraries of the Future”; Cand. Sc. (Pedagogy);

Andrey A. Cheshev, Deputy Executive Director, V. I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation;


4. Contest nominations

4.1. Tell about the goal. The nomination contemplates deep comprehension of one of 17 SDGs and reflection of the main tasks to be fulfilled, and motivation to promote the goal on the local level or globally.

4.2. Achieve the goal. The nomination contemplates the presentation of practical efforts needed (and/or made) to achieve the chosen goal.


5. Contest terms

5.1. Contestants shall submit to the Organizing Committee the digital layout of a desk or wall calendar for 2023.

5.2. Contestants shall use only original drawings, photos, infographics, etc., of their own authorship, supplied with original text of their authorship, at the discretion of author/ authoring team. The works may be accomplished in any technique, at author’s discretion, and shall be relevant and meaningful, uniquely and creatively designed.

5.3. The Contest entries may be designed by individual authors or authoring teams. On the calendar cover (first) page please feature:

 – Organizers’ logo, in accordance with Par.1.1 of these Regulations, institutional Contestant’s logo, author(s) information (for legal entities); 

 – Organizers’ logo, in accordance with Par.1.1 of these Regulations, author(s) information (for individuals).

The layouts of Organizers’ logos are provided in Appendix 5.

5.4. By submitting their entries for the Contest, the authors confirm their consent to publication /web publication of their contest entries on the open Internet ,and using these entries non-commercially for information, research and/or cultural purposes (e.g. for preparing methodological materials) providing that the author is indicated (Appendix 3, 4). The consent for publishing the entry on the open Internet, as expressed by the authors in written, shall constitute an integral part of the submitted calendars. In case of the authoring team, each of the authors shall sign the consent individually. The consent for the submissions authored by persons younger than 14 years old shall be signed by a parent, or his/her other legal representative

5.5. In case of institutional right holder, the written consent shall be signed by the institution’s authorized person and certified by the seal. (Appendix 4).

5.6. The Contestants shall present the following information:

– Contestant’s registration form for individuals and legal entities (note: single registration form shall be filled in, depending on the Contestant category) (Appendix 1 and Appendix 2);

– Calendar (digital pdf. format);

– author(s) consent to publication of the entry on the open Internet and its non-commercial use for information, research, educational and cultural purposes (Appendix 3); or right holder’s institutional) consent to publication of the entry on the open Internet and its non-commercial use for information, research, educational and cultural purposes (Appendix 4), depending on the exclusive copyright rights to the submitted materials.

The cover letter or presentation to describe the entry SHALL NOT BE SUBMITTED; the original idea shall be conveyed directly by the Calendar.

5.7. The Contest materials shall be forwarded to the Organizing Committee in full at by September 10, 2022 (inclusive).

5.8. Contact person: Maria A. Klimova, Junior Researcher, Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, tel.: +7 (495) 698-93-05 (ext.70-51), e-mail:


6. Assessment criteria for contest entries

6.1. The Calendar shall correspond to the Contest theme (understanding of the significance of the problem on the global and local scale).

6.2. The Calendar materials shall correspond to the Sustainable Development Goals on the whole, and the chosen SDG, in particular.

6.3. Information value (relevance to the chosen SDG) and emotional impact.

6.4. Aesthetic presentation (general style, colors, harmony between form and content, additional design elements).

6.5. Uniqueness of the content and creativity.

6.6. Relevance to target groups (who will use the Calendar, and where).

6.7. Friendly calendar grid.

6.8. Involvement of partner organizations and volunteers into the calendar project work


7. Contest results

7.1. Summarizing of the Contest results will take place on August 01 – September 30, 2022.

7.2. The Contest Organizers reserve the right to establish additional nominations.

7.3. The Contest results will be announced and prizes (diplomas and commemorative prizes) will be awarded at a special online event no later than on November 2022.

7.4. Each Contestant will get the certificate of participation provided that the complete contest portfolio is submitted.