16 july 2024, tuesday



On this page we offer you links to the full-text resources on ecology, nature management and sustainable development.


Easy reading


History and theory of garden art

on the hot topic – waste management

About gems

Walk in Crimea

How to maintain bees. Dedicated to World Bee Day - May 20

«Winemaking in Russia»

«Gardening for Beginners»

Easy Reading of scientific articles

«Bulletin of the Natural Sciences» (1854-1860), ch. ed. K.F. Roulier



Rassian full-text resources


Full-text resources of VINITI RAS

All-Russian ecological resource newspaper "Natural Resources Record"

Russian journals in open access

Access to environmental journals via Elpub


Foreign full-text resources


Full Texts of Belorussian Journals on Ecology and Related Topics

Wiley Open Access Journals

Modern Scientific Press (MSP)

Environmental Sciences Journal

Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute – MDPI


InTech Open Science

DART-Europe E-theses Portal

Publicly Available Book of EDP Sciences: «Hormones, santé publique et environnement»

Publicly Available Book of EDP Sciences: «Evènements climatiques extrêmes»

Publicly Available Book of EDP Sciences: «Démographie, climat et alimentation mondiale»

Publicly Available Book of EDP Sciences: «Centrales nucléaires et environnement ˗ Prélèvements d'eau et rejets»

Publicly Available Book of EDP Sciences: «The major accident at Fukushima»

EDP Open Journals

Centre for Info Bio Technology - CIBTech

Elsevier Open Access Journals

DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals): Ecology and Environmental Resources

Dimensions for sustainable development – access to articles and more

African Academic Journals

Cambridge University Press. «Forest Preservation in a Changing Climate»

Cambridge University Press. «Governing Climate Change»

Cambridge University Press. «Urban Planet»

Cambridge University Press. «Global Environment Outlook – GEO-6»

Cambridge University Press. «Deep Carbon»

Cambridge University Press. «Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People»

Cambridge University Press. «The Citizen's Guide to Climate Success»

Cambridge University Press Journals

SpringerOpen Access


Repositories of open factual information on environmental issues


Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science (PANGEA)

The Terrestrial Ecosystem Research Network (TERN)

Australia’s provider of research infrastructure to the Earth and Geospatial Science community (AuScope)

The Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO)

The National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON)

The Chinese Ecosystem Research Network (CERN)

The Integrated European Long-Term Ecosystem, Critical Zone & Socio-Ecological Research Infrastructure (eLTER RI)

The Integrated Carbon Observation System (ICOS)

The European Network for Earth System Modeling Climate Data Infrastructure (ENES CDI)

National Computational Infrastructure (NCI Australia)