09 march 2025, sunday > (english) > Conferences > Seminar "Role of libraries for infomation provision of global ecology problems"

Seminar "Role of libraries for infomation provision of global ecology problems"


Dear colleagues and participants in our seminars,
We have completed the seminar series “The libraries’ information support for solving ecological problems”.
Altogether, 15 seminars and round tables were held, and over 50 attendants got their certificates.
We, at RNPLS&T, are to proceed with our ecological seminars within a new series (title and program TBA).

Watch announcements at our website.

For further information and consultations:
Tel.: +7 (495) 698-93-05 (ext. 3010),+7 (495) 698-93-05 (ext.3030),


From 2010 the Department of ecological information of RNPLS&T has regularly held seminars on the "Role of libraries for information provision of global ecology problems” for the libraries of Moscow and Moscow region. Specialists-ecologists, representatives of state and non-governmental ecology organizations, libraries and information centers are invited. It allows the members to get acquainted with points of view of leading specialists and then to apply this in their work with readers.

Results and reports about seminars are on the website.
Please note that the seminars were of educational character and organized not for profit.

Certificates of the Academy for Retraining in Arts, Culture and Tourism

Discussion round table "Libraries for ecological education "

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