10 march 2025, monday > (english) > Conferences > All-Russian Conference on Ecological Education > 2019 > Day 1 Russian National Public Library for Science & Technology

Day 1 Russian National Public Library for Science & Technology


On this day, within the framework of the Conference three sections, the discussion sites and the round table were held.

Within the framework of Section 1, «Joining the efforts in looking for innovative forms and contents of ecological work within the system of comprehensive and ecological education», the discussion site «Projects and research in School», with the following issues discussed: students motivation for research activities, pedagogical support of children’s research, criteria to evaluate contest projects, key aspects of child contestant support and supervision before and within the contests. Within the Section framework, the Round Table «Interdepartmentak interaction under the All-Russian union plan calendar of events and activities for ecological education» was held; the following issues were discussed: developing the All-Russia union plan calendar for ecological education of children and young adults, international and Russian projects supported by the government, community and business (the experience of the “Ecological Patrol” project).




Within the framework of Section 2 «Professional competencies of the future for Russia’s sustainable development», the discussion site «Eco Battle» was held. At the discussion site, the V. I. Vernadsky Foundation’s grant-holders delivered their papers to professors of RF leading universities.




Within the framework of Section 3 «Governmental, public and youth organizations’ collaborating in ecological education of Russian population. Eco-volunteering today» , the discussion sites were organized: «School—Natural Reserve System Interaction», to discuss efficient experience of collaboration between SPNR and educational institutions, to reveal the potential of partnership projects and programs for ecological education, and to present promising practice-oriented methods and approaches; and «How to organize efficient eco-volunteering?», to introduce interactive formats of ecological education, and to share technologies or successful eco-volunteering projects. The latter discussion site also comprised an ecological quest.