09 february 2025, sunday > (english) > E-library in Ecology > Catalogue of e-resources on ecology


Digital information resources of RNPLS&T on ecology

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Environmental information in the library world

 It is a quarterly CD issue.
Each issue is dedicated to a separate Federal subject and includes the following:
- environment information and information about nature peculiarities of the region; information about ecological projects of the regional libraries; information about environmental organizations and full-text documents on this subject published in Internet;  
- bibliographical list of editions concerning ecological status of the region presented in the funds of CIS libraries;  
- full-text environmental protection publications from the Rare book collection of RNPLS&T


Issue 14. "Urban ecology: Water supply and disposal. In 2 parts. Part 2. Water disposal"    

Effective water supply and sewer system in big and small cities and towns makes a requisite to population’s good health and, therefore, a significant ecological factor for the urban environment. The collection comprises research publications on and standards of the drinking water quality; on equipment and structure of water supply in residential areas; sanitary disposal and effluents treatment.


Issue 14. "Urban ecology: Water supply and disposal. In 2 parts. Part 1, Water supply" 

Effective water supply and sewer system in big and small cities and towns makes a requisite to population’s good health and, therefore, a significant ecological factor for the urban environment. The collection comprises research publications on and standards of the drinking water quality; on equipment and structure of water supply in residential areas; sanitary disposal and effluents treatment.


Issue 13. The mineral wealth for the benefit of Russia

(Textbooks in geology and minerology in RNPLS&T’s collections

The late 19-th – early 20-th century became a significant period for geology as a discipline with new study vectors emerging, geological agencies being established, expeditions being commissioned. The higher schools contributed to this process through educating specialists and developing learning aids. The CD comprises such materials.



Issue 12. "Mineralnoye syryo (1926-1938)"     «Mineralnoye syryo» [“Mineral Stock”] journal was oriented towards the most interesting research findings in local geology, alloying,  ferrous, non-ferrous, rare and radioactive metals, as well as in rare non-metalliferrous minerals.
     The journal was published since 1926 by the Institute of Applied Mineralogy (All-Union Institute of Mineral Stock) under the titles: “Mineral stock and processing” (1926-1928), “Mineral stock and non-ferrous metals (1929), and “Mineral stock” since 1930.
      The CD is based on the collections of the Russian National public Library for Science and Technology and  N. M. Fedorovsky All-Russian Research Institute  of Mineral Stock (VIMS)

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Issue 11. "Meteorologichesky vestnik (1895-1905)”

The issue comprises materials of the popular journal “Meteorologichesky vestnik” [“Meteorological bulletin”] (1895-1905) published by the Mathematical and Physical Geography Division or Imperial Russian Geographical Society since January 1891.  The journal was established and for a long time edited by  Alexander I. Voyeikov, meteorologist, climatologist and geographer, father of agricultural meteorology. For the first time in Russia, this periodical was publishing weather forecasts.

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Issue 10. "Radioactivity - a new property of matter. Works by Marie Sklodowska-Curie"

The digital collection of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology comprises 6 books by Marie Sklodowska-Curie on radioactivity, published in 1904-1913.

The CD publication coincided with the 30-th anniversary of Chernobyl disaster.

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Issue 9. "Meteorologichesky vestnik (1891-1894)”

The issue comprises materials of popular journal “Meteorologichesky vestnik” [“Meteorological bulletin”] (1891-1894) published by the Mathematical and Physical Geography Division of Imperial Russian Geographical Society since January 1891.  The journal was established and for a long time  edited by  Alexander I. Voyeikov, meteorologist, climatologist and geographer, father of agricultural meteorology. For the first time in Russia, this periodical was publishing weather forecasts.

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Issue 8. «Vestnik estestvennykh nauk (1857 - 1860)»

The CD comprises the issues of “Vestnik estestvennykh nauk” journal [“The Natural Sciences Bulletin”] of 1857–1860, published at Moscow State University in 1854—1860.
     Carl Rouillier (1814–1858.), an outstanding Russian scientist, was an editor-in-chief and the author of many articles published in the journal.
     The CD is based on the collections of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology and Vologda I. V. Babushkin Regional Universal Scientific Library.

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Issue 7. «Vestnik estestvennykh nauk (1854 - 1856)»

 The CD comprises the issues of “Vestnik estestvennykh nauk” journal [“The Natural Sciences Bulletin”] of 1854–1856, published at Moscow State University in 1854—1860.
      Carl Rouillier (1814–1858.), an outstanding Russian scientist, was an editor-in-chief and the author of many articles published in the journal.
      The CD is based on the collections of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology and Vologda I. V. Babushkin Regional Universal Scientific Library.

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Issue 6. «Sadovo-parkovoye iskusstvo»

The issue “Sadovo-parkovoye iskusstvo” [“The Garden Art”] comprises 4 books of 1883-1917, covering the problems of designing, developing and practical implementation of the garden city concept, as well as the essays on gardens and vegetables gardens in Russia.
     The introduction tells about the history of the garden art, discusses the issues of urban land improvement and verdurization (works by Pavel G. Mizhuev “The  garden cities and housing problem in England” (1916) and Boris G. Knatz “Garden cities as related to housing problems” (1917)). “The gardens and parks (The history and theory of garden art)” by Vladimir Kurbatov holds a central place in the collection.
     The eldest books in the CD collection are «The historical and statistical essay of Russian industries” published under the authority of Imperially Established Commission for All-Russian Industrial Fair (Moscow, 1882), edited by Dmitry Timiryazev, and “Agricultural products, horticulture, gardening and domestic animals».

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Issue 5.  «Prirodniye bogatstva Turkestana»

The issue «Prirodniye bogatstva Turkestana» [“Turkestan’s natural resources”] comprises 18 books of 1889-1914 on the issues of the Central Asian lands development and exploration (Turkestan Governor-Generalship), annexed by the Russian Empire in 19-th century. Among the books, the eldest one is “To Turkestan  via the Mangyshlak and Usturt” (1889) by Nikolay P. Barbot-de-Marny.

Other works on the CD:

- “Mineral coal in Turkestan” and “Mineral Resources of Turkestan” by V. Veber;

- “Turkestan’s water ways” comprising river descriptions and materials on improving their navigability (Issue 55, 1914);

- reports by Hydrometrical Division of Turkestan Department of Agriculture and State Properties.

The introduction comprises the history of the region development, description of regional natural conditions and environment.

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Issue 3. “Forest resources of Russia” 

It is dedicated to the questions of usage of forests of the end of 19 century and beginning of 20 century. The disk contains full texts of books from funds of RNPLS&T being of interest for specialists in the sphere of forestry and woodworking. There are 50 books of 1870-1925 years of edition.

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Issue 4. “Amur region”
 It contains 43 books of 1897-1915 years of edition about region reclaiming including “Geologic research in aurigerous regions of Siberia. Amur-Primorsk aurigerous territory” (1900-1915) and “Works of Amur expedition sent by supreme order” (1909-1912)



Issue 2. "Waterways of Russia"
It is dedicated to the questions of studying and development of waterways and ports of the end of 19 century and beginning of 20 century. The issue contains 69 editions from 1887 till 1916.



Issue 1. “Moscow region”

The issue presents Statistical yearbooks of the Moscow province published from 1902 to 1923.
     The oldest book in the collection is "Statistical Description of the Moscow province of 1811" by S. Chernov.

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"Rare books in the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology"

(Unique publications in various subjects from the RNPLS&T’s collection,
including rare books on Russia’s natural resources and their protection)


The Universe and Humankind

The history of exploring the nature and applying its forces to the betterment of mankind. In 5 volumes. St. Petersburg, Prosveshcheniye, 1896.



    The geographical and statistical dictionary of the Russian Empire

In 5 volumes. St. Petersburg. V. Bezobrazov and Co. Printshop. 1863.
     Collection of geographical and statistical data on Russia comprising reliable facts and statistical data in individual entries arranged alphabetically and supplied with bibliographic records.



Asian Russia

In 3 volumes. St. Petersburg. Migrant Department of the Head Department of Land Management and Husbandry. 1914.
     Collection of data on Asian Russia, on Russian people migration to the east of the Urals and making settlements to Siberia and Turkestan



The mineral reign

Description of key minerals, their deposits and significance to the industries.  Gem stones. Work by Doctor R. Browns. St. Petersburg. 1906.

The popular book on the genesis, forms, structure, physical and chemical properties of minerals,  richly illustrated with tables and pictures (chromolithographs) of minerals in their natural colors with lustre and  transparency characteristic to them. When describing minerals, special attention was given to their use.

Special issue “Crimea"
The joint project of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, I. Franko Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library, and I. Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library.
The CD comprises the books published in 1865-1931 from the collections of RNPL&T and I. Franko. The publications cover geological studies and water surveys in Crimea.
Crimean guides are separated in an individual section.


Apiculture and sericulture

The CD comprises 17 books in the collections of RNPLS&T, I. Franko Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library, and I. Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library published in 1885 – 1939.
      Part of the collection is in the Crimean Tatar language printed in Cyrillic, Latin or Arabic characters.

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Crimean medicinal plants

The CD comprises 18 books on the Crimea Peninsula’s flora published in 1871-1919.


Horticulture in Crimea

The CD comprises 24 publications of 1845 – 1940 and covers the history of horticulture in Crimea. The useful and informative CD will be of interest to professionals and wide public.
     Part of the collection is in the Crimean Tatar language printed in Cyrillic, Latin or Arabic characters.



“Natural treasures of Russia”. DVD.
There are more than 200 books and periodicals editions of the funds of RNPLS&T.
The collection is dedicated to the questions of natural and mines usage before the Russian Revolution.
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“White Coal of Russia”  
There are books issued in Russia in 19 century and beginning of 20 century dedicated to usage of water in human activities. There are 87 books of this theme in the database but it is planned to expand it during the present year or to edit the second issue of the theme “White Coal of Russia”.
The collection also contains annotations which can simplify the search, and biographies of some authors.



  “Vineculture in Russia”
Special edition “Vineculture in Russia”.  It consists of 11 editions of 1880-1926 dedicated to the questions of production of berries and fruit wines and nonalcoholic beverages.




O.V. Pokrovskaya
The disk is issued to memorize Olga V. Pokrovskaya, famous librarian and ecologist.
There are articles of different periods dedicated to the issues of work of libraries in the sphere of ecological education.




Center of Ecological Policy of Russia


There are books issued by the Center of ecological policy and culture.  

Publications of the Center can be reached here (in Russian).



"Chernobyl: After 20 years."

Articles from central and regional press issued for 20 anniversary of the tragedy.


The joint project of

Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology and Russian Geographical Society


«Russia’s natural beauty: Our Homeland in its land, historical, tribal, economic and habitable significance»

The publication comprises 12 volumes of 1881-1901 (total number of sections makes 19) issued under general editorship of Pyotr Petrovich Semenov (by the Imperial Decree of November 23, 1906, for his contribution to the discovery and first exploration of the highlands of Tien Shan, the honorific Tyan-Shansky was added to his family name (with his descendents).

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