10 march 2025, monday

Section Program

Section 9: Access to Ecological Information.
Library as a Center of Ecological Culture


Special Event within the Framework of the Section: Field Round Table “Information Support of Ecological Problems of the Black and Azov Seas,
and Maritime Territories”

Please register to participate and get your registration coupons at the Organizing Committee Desk at 9.00 am - 9.00 pm on June 8 and 9, and at 9am - 12.00 on June 10


Vladimir Grachev, Deputy, Chair of the Committee for Ecology, State Duma (Parliament) of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

L. P. Melnikova, Chief Specialist of the Department of Libraries of the Russian Federation Ministry of Culture, Moscow, Russia

Leonid Bely, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine


Elena Bychkova, Researcher, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

June 10, , 15.00-19.00

Surozh Auditorium

15.00-17.00 session 1

Time for presentations - up to 20 minutes, including questions and answers - up to 5 minutes

1. The New Law “On Environmental Protection” as a Legislative Basis of Ecological Culture

Vladimir Grachev, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

2. The Role of the Russian Federation Libraries in Ecological Education of the Population

Lidia Melnikova, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

3. The UN Publications on Ecology and Accessing Them

Yulia Vlasova, The UN Information Center in Moscow, Moscow, Russia

4. The Experience of Setting up Scientific Information Center at the Central Scientific Library of K.A. Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy

N. V. Dunaeva and T. A. Demyanova, K.A.Timiryazev Moscow Agricultural Academy Central Scientific Library, Moscow, Russia

5. Moscow Children’s Libraries in the System of Continuous Ecological Education

Nina Koloskova, A. P. Gaidar Moscow Central City Children’s Library, Moscow, Russia

6. Setting up Nature Conservation Agencies in the Republic of Abkhaziya and Forms of Ecological Education in the Post-conflict Conditions

Roman Dbar, State Agency for Ecological Safety and Environmental Protection, Sukhum, Abkhaziya

17.00-17.20 Coffee Break

17.20-19.00 session 1 (continued)

7. International Information Systems for Aquatic and Sea Studies

O. A. Akimova, Scientific Library of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Institute of South Sea Biology, Sebastopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

8. The New Aspects of Interaction between Children’s Ecological Journal and Libraries

Nikolai Starchenko, “Muraveinik” (“Anthill”) Journal, Moscow, Russia

9. Maintaining Arrays of Ecological Serials at VINITI

M. B. Andronova, Valentina Efremenkova, I. I. Potapov and N. F. Chumakova, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Inforamtion, Moscow, Russia

A. Baksheev, M. I. Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

10. The Project of Building Specialized Reference Information and Document Collection on Ecology

Elena Bychkova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

11. Public Libraries as Providers of Ecological

Lidia Levitskaya, Elena Sibirtseva and Alexander Karaush, Tomsk Municipal Information Library System, Tomsk, Russia

12. City Corporate Portal on Ecology. New ways to obtain information

S.A.Kapranova, N.V.Salnikova, E.A.Panchenko and N.V.Kanivets, Centralized Library System for Children, Sebastopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

June 11, , 9.00-11.00

Consul Auditorium

9.00-11.00 SESSION 2

Time for presentations - up to 20 minutes, including questions and answers - up to 5 minutes

1. Information and Bibliographic Provision of Ecological Information Contributing to Steady Progressing of the Region

Valentina Luchanskaya, V.I.Vernadsky Tavrical National University, Simferopol, the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

2. Standard and Methodological Support of State Agencies of Ecological Control

E. V. Bozhevolnova, “Ecoline” Company, Moscow, Russia

L. Ya. Karimbaeva, Central Research Institute for Agrochemical Services in Agriculture, Moscow, Russia

3. “Kimmeria” Cultural and Historical Landscape as an Integral Part of Crimean Ecosystem

Natalia Miroshnichenko, M. A. Voloshin House - Museum, Feodosia, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

4. Тhe Problems of Studying and Preservation of Biodiversity of Vertebral Animals in Аbkhaziya

V. I. Malandzia, Abkhazian State University, Sukhum, Abkhaziya

5. Biobibliography in University Students Research Work

G. G. Tikhomirova, State University for Land Utilization, Moscow, Russia

6. Protecting Kolhida Flora Rephigium

Zurab Adzinba and Sergei Bebia, Abkhazia Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany, Abkhazian Stater University, Sukhum, Abkhazia

7. “Ecology” Database: Acquisition and user services

Evgenia Podmorina and Lyubov Solovyova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

QUESTIONS, ANSWERS, exchange of opinions, discussion, conclusions

June 12, , 7.30-18.00

Section Field Session at Koktebel and Karadag Natural Reserve

Special Event within the Framework of the Section:
Field Round Table “Information Support of Ecological Problems of the Black and Azov Seas,
and Maritime Territories”

Please register to participate and get your registration coupons at the Organizing Committee Desk at 9.00 am - 9.00 pm on June 8 and 9, and at 9am - 12.00 on June 10

6.30-7.30 Breakfast

7.30 departure to koktebel
(Main entrance to “Sudak” Tourist and Health Center; Please produce your registration coupons to board the bus)

On the premises of “Primorye” Tourist Center, Koktebel

8.40-10.40 Round Table Session


O. A. Akimova, Scientific Library of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Institute of South Sea Biology, Sebastopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine


Elena Bychkova, Researcher, Russian Public National Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Natalia Miroshnichenko, Director of M. A. Voloshin House - Museum, Feodosia, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

Keynote paper

International Information Systems for Aquatic and Sea Studies

O. A. Akimova, Scientific Library of the Ukrainian National Academy of Sciences Institute of South Sea Biology, Sebastopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

Exchange of opinions, discussion, summing up

10.40-11.00 Coffee Break

11.00-13.00 Visit to M. A. Voloshin
House - museum, the guided
walking tour of koktebel


Natalia Miroshnichenko, Director of M. A. Voloshin House - Museum, Feodosia, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

13.00-14.00 lunch

14.30 departure to Karadag natural reserve

15.00-18.00 Tour of Karadag Natural Reserve, visit to the Biological Station

18.00 Departure to Sudak