16 july 2024, tuesday

Section program


Section 9: Ecological Information Organization. Library Monitoring
of Ecological Culture

Special events within the framework of the Section:
Exhibition of Information Products on Ecology

Guest Session in Stary Krym

To attend please register and get you registration coupon at the Organizing Committee Desk
on June 7-8, 9.00 - 22.00


Vladimir Grachev, Chair of the Committee on Ecology, State Duma of the Russian Federation Federal Assembly, Moscow, Russia

Eduard Girusov, Chair Head, Head of Philosophi Department Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

Lidia Melnikova, Chief Specialist, Library Department of the Minsitry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

Leonid Bely, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine


Olga Pokrovskaya, Head, Department for Ecological Culture, Russian State Juvenile Library, Moscow, Russia

Elena Bychkova, Researcher, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Mondey, June 9, 15.00-19.00

Kara Dag Auditorium

15.00-17.00 session 1

Presentations - up to 20 minutes, including questions and answers -
up to 5 minutes

1. The Global Ecological Role of Russia and Public Ecological Consciousness

Vladimir Grachev, State Duma of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

2. Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation Promoting Ecological Education in Russian Libraries

Lidia Melnikova, Ministry of Culture of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

3. Ecological Information and the System of Continuing Ecological Education in Russia: Presentation of National Report on the State of Environment in the Russian Federation and the Information and Analytic Survey “Development of the System of Ecological Education in Russia in 1992-2000”

N. F. Tsertsek, Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, Moscow, Russia

4. “Ecoculture” Information Project as a Product of Cooperation of Russian State Juvenile Library and UNESCO “Information for All” Program

Alexei A. Demidov, UNESCO Program “Information for All” Russian Committee, Moscow, Russia

5. Ecological Education of Library Professionals

Tatyana Kuznetsova, Academy for Retraining in Arts, Culture and Tourism, Moscow, Russia

6. The Experience of Preparing Bibliography on Ecology and Environmental Protection

Alexander Mazuritsky, Moscow State University of Culture and Arts, Moscow, Russia

17.00-17.20 coffee break

17.20-19.00 Presentations
of information products
on ecology

“Human Ecological Rights” - a New Information System from “Kodeks” Consortium


Irina Mironova, “Kodeks” Information and Legal Consortium, “Kodeks” Information Company, St. Petersburg, Russia

“Ecological Component of Information Resources of the Ministry for Agriculture Central Scientific Library”


Natalia Dunaeva, K. A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy N. I. Zheleznov Central Scientific Library, Moscow, Russia

Scientific publications on geoecology by the State University for Land Utilization


Galina Tikhomirova, State University for Land Utilization, Moscow, Russia

The New UN publications on ecology


Irina Petrova, United Nations Information Center, Moscow, Russia

Questions, answers,
exchange of opinions, discussion

Tuesday, June 10, 15.00-19.00

Surozh Auditorium

15.00-16.40 session 2

1. Regional Libraries as a Mirror of Regional Ecological Problems

Larisa Koroleva, Tula Regional Universal Scientific Library, Tula, Russia

2. The Role of Juvenile Libraries in Ecological Education

Velena Ostrovskaya, Russian State Juvenile Library, Moscow, Russia

3. Several Trends in Ecological Education at Moscow Children’s Libraries

Nina Koloskova, A. P. Gaidar Central City Children’s Library, Moscow, Russia

4. Several Aspects at the Initial Stage of “Ecology. EcoTaurica. EcoLogic” Project

T. Rasnovskaya, Elena Zemskaya and Svetlana Kapranova, Centralized Library System for Children, Sevastopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

16.40-17.00 coffee break

17.00-19.00 session 2 (Continued)

5. Ways of Ecological Information Organization in the Forms Users are Used To

Kulsaira Dandybaeva, Centralized Library System, Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan

6. Bibliographic Monitoring of Information for Knowledge Development and Self-organization Studies (Nanotechnology and Nanoscience, Neural Networks, Ecology)

Valentina Efremenkova, All-Russian Institute of Scientific and Technical Information (VINITI), Moscow, Russia;

Marina K. Melkonyan, Russian Academy of Sciences A. V. Shubnikov Institute of Crystallography, Moscow, Russia

7. Perspectives for Ecological Education Development in Russian Libraries

Olga Pokrovskaya, Russian State Juvenile Library, Moscow, Russia

8. Ecological Monitoring of Regional Publications in the Republic of Tatarstan

Yulia Dresher, Republic of Tatarstan Ministry of Health Republican Medical Library and Information Center, Kazan State University of Culture and Arts, Kazan, Russia


Questions, answers, exchange of opinions, discussion, section

Wednesday, June 11, 7.30-17.30

Guest Session in Stary Krym

To attend please register and get you registration coupon at the Organizing Committee Desk June 7-8, on 9.00 - 22.00

6.30-7.30 Breakfast

7.30 departure to stary krym
(Main entrance to “Sudak” Tourist and Health Center; Please keep your registration coupons to board the bus)

8.30-9.45 guided tour of Stary Krym museum of Literature and Area Study


Nadezhda Sadovskaya, Director, Stary Krym Museum of Literature and Area Study, Stary Krym, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

9.45-10.15 coffee break

10.15-13.00 guest session

On the premises of Stary Krym Museum of Literature and Area Study, Stary Krym


Eduard Girusov, Head of Phylosophy Department, Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy, Moscow, Russia

Leonid Bely, Deputy Minister of Culture of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine


Elena Bychkova, Researcher, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

Nadezhda Sadovskaya, Director, Stary Krym Museum of Literature and Area Study, Stary Krym, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

A. Timirgazin, Senior Researcher, Stary Krym Museum of Literature and Area Study, Stary Krym, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

Welcome by:

D. K. Chebyshev, Head of Stary Krym City Council, Stary Krym, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine

Presentations - up to 20 minutes, including questions and answers -
up to 5 minutes

1. The Noospheric Imperative of Paedea in the 21st Century

Eduard Girusov, Phylosophy Department, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

2. Ecological Education and Stable Development

Natalia Dunaeva, K. A. Timiryazev Agricultural Academy N. I. Zheleznov Central Scientific Library, Moscow, Russia

3. Ecological Information and the Role of Libraries in Ecological Education at Universities

Farida Murzakhanova, M. Dulati State University Scientific Library, Taraz, Kazakhstan

4. NPLS&T Project on Building the Specialized Information and Reference Collection on Ecology: Results and prospects

Elena Bychkova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow, Russia

5. The State of the Art in Information and Library Support of the Ecology Field in the Crimea

Valentina Luchanskaya, Tauric National University, Simferopol, Ukraine

6. Several Aspects of Information Support of Belorusian Researchers and Experts in Ecology and Environmental Protection

Lyudmila Avgul and Boris Nevsky, Ya. Kolas Central Scientific Library of Belarus National Academy of Sciences, Minsk, Belarus

7. University’s Center for Ecology

Galina Tikhomirova, State University for Land Utilization, Moscow, Russia

8. Ecology and Kherson Region: Issues of user education at Kherson Centralized Library System branches

Valentina Tanchik, Centralized Library System, Kherson, Ukraine

guest session conclusions

13.00-13.30 tour of Alexander Grin Museum (Stary Krym)