10 march 2025, monday

Section work overview


International conference on global ecological problems coincided with the 155-th anniversary of Vladimir I. Vernadsky


Within the framework of the Fourth World Professional Forum “The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations” («Crimea-2018»), the International Conference on global ecological problems was held. The Conference coincided with the 155-th anniversary of Vladimir I. Vernadsky. It was organized through the joint efforts of Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology and V. I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation.

The program was scheduled for 3 business days on June 20-22. The opening Plenary Session “The role of Russian professional associations and civic organizations in solving global ecological problems of the 21st century” took place in the Big Assembly Hall of Sudak Tourist and Health in the morning, June 20.

In her welcoming speech, Olga Vl. Plyamina, V. I. Vernadsky Foundation Executive Director, expressed gratitude to the Director General and staff of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology for their efforts in organizing the large-scale forum and their support of the Conference. Mrs Plyamina emphasized that that was the year of the anniversary of academician Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky, a great thinker, natural scientist, science promoter and public figure.

On this anniversary the Foundation took the chance and rewarded those persons who contributed to popularization of Vernadsky’s ideas. At the Crimea Forum Opening Ceremony, several participants were awarded Vernadsky Order, namely Arina V. Novoselskaya, Republic of Crimea Minister of Culture; Boris D. Deich, , Honored Crimean Citizen, Co-chair of the  Supervisory Board of the World Professional Forum “The Book. Culture. Education. Innovations”, and Grigory D. Ioffe, Chair of the Republic of Crimea Public Chamber. Also, Mikhail V. Lomonosov Medal was awarded to Magomed Sh. Mintsaev, Acting Director of the RF Ministry of Science and Higher Education Department of Science and Technologies, Yakov L. Shrayberg, RNPLS&T Director General, Elena G. Emirova, Head of the Republic of Crimea Ministry of Culture Department for Museum Affairs and Librarianship Administration, and others. To celebrate the contribution into ecological education, the certificates of merit were awarded to:

  • Elena V. Ivanova, Editor-in-Chief, “Libraries in Schools” journal, “The 1st of September” Publishing House;
  • Olesya O. Kondratenko, Deputy Director, Crimean Republican Library for the Youth;
  • Olga V. Kolupaeva, Head, Research and Methodological Department of I. Franko Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library;
  • Lyailya Z. Kadyrova, Deputy Director for Library Services, I. Gasprinsky Republican Crimean-Tatar Library;
  • Elena N. Chuyan, Head, Chair of Human and Animal Physiology and Biophysics, Crimean V. I. Vernadsky Federal University;
  • Natalya V. Chigrina, Director, Scientific Library, Crimean V. I. Vernadsky Federal University.

 Within the framework of the conference, the exhibition “Vladimir I. Vernadsky—on the way to sustainable development” was presented.

Yakov L. Shrayberg, Chair of the Fourth World Professional Forum “Crimea-2018” Organizing Committee, President of the National Library Association “Libraries of the Future”, Director General of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, addressed the participants with the welcome speech. He emphasized that ecological subject scope had been constantly in the focus of the Forum to support and stimulate libraries’ efforts in ecological education.

Six papers were delivered at the Plenary Meeting. The speakers emphasized the prominent role of Vladimir Vernadsky as an organizer of Russian science. He was among the founders of several important science institutions: Ukrainian Academy of Sciences (Kiev), State Radium Institute (Petrograd), Simferopol University (now Crimean V. I. Vernadsky Federal University). As a citizen and patriot, he got interested in the problem of production forces and became the first Chairman of the Commission for Russian Natural Production Forces Study. The Commission findings laid the foundation for industrializing agricultural Russia. Later the Commission was transformed into the USSR and Russian Council of Production Forces that spanned till nowadays.

In his paper, E. M. Galimov, Chairman of RAS Commission for V. I. Vernadsky Science Legacy Development, Academic Advisor of RAS V. I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemstry and Analytical Chemistry, presented the 24-volume edition of Vernadsky’s works. The collection published on the occasion of his 150-th anniversary is the result of serious research efforts. The compilers are interested in its accessibility through libraries and the Internet.

The Plenary Meeting was followed by the documentary “The epoch of Academician Vernadsky” and unique and very interesting activity “Ethnographical excursion and master class “The Daily Life of Crimean Tatars”: librarians of I. Gasprinsky Crimean Tatar Library introduced the guests to the traditional technology of wool felting and making blankets.

In the afternoon, the discussion round table “Globalization and informatization as essential processes of modern ecological education” (Urgent problems of educating Russian population) gathered together school teachers, university educators, librarians, museum staff. Ivan I, Zasursky, Head of New Media and Communication Theory Chair, Journalism Department, M. V. Lomonosov University moderated the round table. The key papers were delivered and the following subject scope was covered:

– place of ecological disciplines in education system;

– demand for compulsory course on sustainable development oriented toward every specialty;

– possibility for building ecological outlook in university students;

 – advantages and disadvantages of “ecological” production and, as a result, pros and cons of ecological outlook for professionals;

 – when we could and should start ecological education;

– practical activities in students’ life.

The first day of the conference program was crowned with a unique event: Lidia Belyaeva, Resources Saving Center  (Autonomous Non-profit Organization PRO Otkhody [PRO Wastes] Coalition, presented the educational table game and handbook “The Earth Guardians” developed at the Center. The participants got familiar with the game and took the chance to play. The idea is that the players not only win or lose using natural resources but also “support” or “destroy” the planet. Beside the adults, the Forum youngest guests, kids from Rybnoye Orphanage School for Orphans and Legally Free Children (Ryazan region) took part in the game.

The idea of the school discussion site within the framework of the conference has been floating around for several years but this year it has been implemented. The experience and expertise of the conference participants enabled them to offer master classes intended not only for children’s librarians but also for school students.

The section proceeded on June 21.

One of the conference key tasks was to provide open site to discuss the issues of global ecology. The colleagues from Moscow, St. Petersburg, Tambov, Tomsk, Chelyabinsk, Voronezh, Ryazan, Crimea, and countries of near and far abroad—Lugansk People’s Republic, Bulgaria, Canada –everyone who was concerned with ecological safety, ecological education, preservation of natural and cultural heritage, took part in the discussions.

On June 21, the professional program started with the traditional section «Ecological information and ecological culture” being held in Crimea for 18 years. This year is was organized through the joint efforts of V. I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation and Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology.

Section moderators:

Tatiana V. Avgusmanova,  Head of Educational Programs, V. I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

Elena F. Bychkova, Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Alla M. Volynskaya, Head of Educational Projects, V. I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow.

The first session «V. I. Vernadsky’s ideas in the modern world. Working with information in ecological education» comprised 9 papers by Russian librarians, university and museum staff. Mr. Francis Kirkwood, Deputy Chair of the Fourth World Professional Forum “Crimea-2018”. Consultant of Kirkwood Professional Co. (Ottawa, Canada). Mr. Kirkwood presented the paper of his compatriot Jacquelyn J. Taylor Baumberg, Ottawa University, Canada, who unfortunately failed to attend. The paper is titled “The Plastic: Spiritual and social ecological crisis”.

Traditionally, the section also focused on library activities. The participants were sharing their experience and discussing joint projects . In conclusion the participants were offered the findings of the bibliometrical study accomplished by RNPLS&T professionals revealing the share of ecological information in the general information flow. The findings were presented interactively, within the mini-discussion “Ecological information: Obvious and unobvious”. The participants in the discussion were suggested to formulate their opinion on the quantity, quality, availability of ecological information, and to see whether their subjective views coincide with objective data of the study.

The second youth session “Ways to solve ecological problems” comprised the papers by university and college students, primarily, of V. I. Vernadsky Federal University institutes, Agricultural Hydrotechnical Amelioration and Mechanization College, representatives of Continuing Education Center and a secondary school ecological brigade. Altogether, 11 communications were delivered. The youth session “Ways to solve ecological problems” was finalized with the panel discussion “Do we have the ecological future?”

On June 22, the third day of the Conference professional program, an interactive seminar was held: «Libraries are the territory of narratives» (Public space within the context of sustainable development goals). Modern approaches to library physical space modernization, innovative technologies, lucky finds, librarians’ expertise in library space management, were discussed. Klena B. Lavrova, lecturer of Library and Information Activities, Chelyabinsk State Institute of Culture, moderated the seminar.

The master class, or library lesson on the materials of the Great Northern Expedition (1733-1743) and Bering’s Second Kamchatka Expedition (1741-1742), developed by RNPLS&T’s Group of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects in cooperation with Moscow Education Department Methodological Center based on the expeditions’ reports, as well as the proceedings, reminiscences and personal diaries of expeditions members.

Over 130 participants attended the Conference events. The cooperation and collaboration will continue between researchers, libraries, museums, universities, public organizations in promoting Vernadsky’s legacy, solving ecological problems, and building the joint site of Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology and V. I. Vernadsky Foundation for new joint projects, and uniting all interested players.