22 january 2025, wednesday

Conference Program


The Second International Conference on the global ecological problems


Conference Organizers:

V.I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation

Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology

Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies


Wednesday, June 12, 9.00-18.00

Large Assembly Hall


9.00-13.00 Opening of the Second International Conference on ecological problems


Tatiana Avgusmanova, Head of Awareness Raising Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

Elena Bychkova, Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects Group, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Alla Volynskaya, Head of Educational Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow



Vladimir Grachev: President of V.I. Vernadsky Non-Governmental Ecological Foundation, President of the Russian Ecological Academy; Academic Supervisor of the Global Ecology Center of the Global Studies Department, Lomonosov Moscow State University; Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow.

Yakov Shrayberg, Chairman of the “Crimea-2019” Fifth World Professional Forum Organizing Committee; President of the National Library Association “Libraries of the Future”; Director General of the Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Welcome letter by Andrey Baryshnikov, Director of the Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies (Roszapovedcenter) of the RF Ministry of Natural Resources

Veronica Leshchinskaya, Head of the Information Support, Ecological Education Methodology and PR Department of the Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies, Moscow


9.15-12.00 SESSION ONE

Innovative forms and job content for awareness-raising in ecology» (in cooperation with Section 5 «Ecological Information and Ecological Culture »)

1. System approach to awareness raising in ecology for the Russian population. The experience of V.I. Vernadsky Foundation. A crossword lecture

Alla Volynskaya, V.I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

2. Ecological education and awareness raising within the context of the sustainable development goals. An interview lecture

Tatiana Avgusmanova,  V.I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

3. Business games to support ecological mindset formation, as exemplified by the business game «Russia’s system of natural reserves: How does it work? »

Veronica Leshchinskaya, Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies, Moscow

4. «Developing sustainably: The UN sustainable development goals through the prism of children’s literature». The conclusions of the All-Russia Professional Project

Nina Koloskova, A.P. Gaidar Central City Children’s Library, Moscow

5. Presentation of the publication: «Ecological Information: Methods and Instruments for Analytical and Bibliometrical Studies (as exemplified by bibliographical databases): The information and analytical review [The digital resource]»/ E. Bychkova, K. Borgoyakova. – Moscow, 2018. – 67 p. - ISBN 978-5-85638-216-6.

Kristina Borgoyakova and Elena Bychkova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

6. «Ecology everywhere: Where and how to search for the science literature?». A practicum

Kristina Borgoyakova, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

7. “Ecology, Books and Us”. The program of ecological literacy and culture for kids and teenagers at the Library of Family Reading of Lomonosov town

     Natalya Gloza, Centralized Library System of St. Petersburg Petrodvorets District, St. Petersburg, Russia

8. Inter-museum and university festival «To museum — today, to science — tomorrow!»: Organization, hosting and prospects. 

Elena Sukhacheva, V.V. Dokuchaev Central Soil Museum, St. Petersburg

9. Inter-museum festival “Kids’ Days in St. Petersburg for ecological education" 

Elena Rusakova, V.V. Dokuchaev Central Soil Museum, St. Petersburg


Contests conclusions

Introduction by:

Elena Bychkova, Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects Group, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

1. The international contest «Biblio-green in the sustainable world »

Tatiana Avgusmanova,  V.I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

2. All-Russia contest «Developing sustainably..»

Alla Volynskaya, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow


12.00-13.00 ETHNOGRAPHIC INSIGHT AND MASTER CLASS: The daily life of the Crimean Tatars

«The whorls of charming thoughts and mysteries: Mehndi and batik»


Lyalya Kadyrova, Deputy Director, I. Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea

Gulnara Shosaidova, Methodist, I. Gasprinsky Republican Crimean Tatar Library, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea


13.00-15.00 LUNCH


15.00-18.00 MASTER CLASS

«THE ECOLOGICAL THEATRE» (Dramatizing for ecological lines)

The year of 2019 is announced The Theatre Year. The ecological theatre makes an innovative vector of dramatizing. The master class goal is to introduce ways and methods of staging literary works (e. g. environmental, ecological publications, works on nature, wild life and animals, etc.), to be used by the libraries, museums, educational organizations to educate ecological culture and consciousness in the citizens of Russia.


Nikolay Antyufriev, Deputy Director, Center for Folk Arts  of the Republic of Crimea, Simferopol, Republic of Crimea


Tatiana Avgusmanova, Head of Awareness Raising Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow


Thursday, June 13, 9.00-11.00

Large Assembly Hall


9.00-11.00 ROUND TABLE

«Publishing and publications by the nature conservation areas as a resource for awareness raising in ecology»


Veronica Leshchinskaya
, Head of the Information Support, Ecological Education Methodology and PR Department of the Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies, Moscow

The Round Table goal is to discuss the efforts in publishing, marketing and education taken by the natural reserve and nature conservation areas; , their public relations and project collaboration with institutions, as well as to define prospects for development and cooperation.

Experts in ecological awareness raising and education of major natural reserves and national parks, publishers and librarians, distributors of publications on environmental protection are invited to take part in the Round Table discussions.


11.00-18.00 Special Event

«The Conference  School Site»

«What does it mean — to live a quality life?» (The UN sustainable development goals)

The training and game program for the winners and participants of the Creativity Contest (essays and researches) on the sustainable development issues. Everyone is invited.


    – Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology

V.I. Vernadsky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation

– Libraries In Schools Journal (The First of September Publishing House)

– Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies »


Tatiana Avgusmanova, Head of Awareness Raising Programs, V. I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

Elena Bychkova, Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects Group, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow

Alla Volynskaya, Head of Educational Programs, V. I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

Elena Ivanova, Editor-in-Chief, Libraries In Schools Journal, The First of September Publishing House, Moscow

Veronica Leshchinskaya, Head of the Information Support, Ecological Education Methodology and PR Department of the Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies, Moscow


11.00-11.30 Participants meeting and making each other’s acquaintance


11.30-11.45 The overview lecture  «Sustainable development is ….»


Tatiana Avgusmanova, Head of Awareness Raising Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow


11.45-13.00 Educational game «Ecological Kaleidoscope»

The themes of the game will: The planet diversity, water wealth, green energy, sustainable use of resources, etc. The participants will enjoy engaging tasks, quizzes, logic problems, and panel games. New knowledge, high spirits and impulse for environmental friendliness are guaranteed for every participant.


Tatiana Avgusmanova, Head of Awareness Raising Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

Alla Volynskaya, Head of Educational Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow


13.00-14.00 LUNCH


14.00-14.50 Interactive lecture «Sustainable development goals for peace and conciliation »


Alexander Mazuritsky, Professor, Library and Information Studies Chair, Moscow State Linguistic University, Moscow


15.00-16.00 Thematic film show «Russia’ conservation areas»

Films about the federal designated conservation areas will be demonstrated: The national parks «The Ladoga skerry-guards» (Republic of Karelia), «Kislovodsky» (Stavropol Region), «Curonian Spit » (Kaliningrad Region), «Bikin» (The Primorye Territory), «Kodar» (Trans-Baikal Terriotory) and the reserves, e.g. «Teberdinsky» (Karachay-Cherkess Republic), «Dagestansky» (Republic of Dagestan), «Vasyugansky» (Tomsk Region), «Oksky» (Ryazan Region).


16.00-16.30 Participatory discussion of the films «Ecological tourism in Russia’s conservation areas »



Veronica Leshchinskaya, Head of the Information Support, Ecological Education Methodology and PR Department of the Information and Analytical Center for Reserve Management and Studies, Moscow


16.30-17.30  Conclusions. Giving prizes to the winners of essays and researchers Contest and enthusiastic participants of the School Site work.


18.00 Departure


Friday, June 14, 9.00-13.00

Sudak Conference Hall


9.00-12.00 MASTER CLASS

«The new stage of libraries transformation. Innovative equipment and space solutions. The international standard ISO as a tool for building libraries of a new type »


Igor Kozhenkin, CEO, Interregional Library Modernization Center Non-commercial Partnership; Director, Vitarus Design and Production Companym Ryazan

Elena Bychkova, Leading Researcher, Head of Ecology and Sustainable Development Projects Group, Russian National Public Library for Science and Technology, Moscow


Tatiana Avgusmanova, Head of Awareness Raising Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow

Alla Volynskaya, Head of Educational  Programs, V.I. Verndasky Non-governmental Ecological Foundation, Moscow


12.00-13.00 Conclusions of the Second International Conference on the global ecological problems